Whenever I have a job interview and they ask me if I have ever been fired from a job, I can’t help but laugh. I can’t lie, but I can’t really say “yes” without giving the story. The truth is, I’ve been fired from the same job twice. During the summer of 2001, I had […]
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Tags: call tech, calltech, employee, file, fired, helpdesk, hours, HR, human resources, intern, interview, job, late, policy, schedule, school, shifts, tech support, terminated, time, vacation, voicemail
The only time you talk about your old job is at a job interview. Once you’re in, they don’t care anymore. Don’t be that guy that dishes out diatribes on how he used to do this, or how things were when no one really gives a crap.
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Tags: employee, fired, grandpa, job, lame, story, talking, weak, when i was your age, Work