Splitting the check evenly should only be attempted for socially close indivuals in numbers 4 or less. It’s just a mess otherwise. Someone is going to short change the group. Someone is going to order more food than everyone else. You’re going to come up short and 1 person is going to end up paying […]
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Tags: bill, dinner, eating out, etiquette, even, food, group, money, numbers, odd, pay, rules, social, split, tip
If your boss organizes lunch, they’re paying. Especially if they do not solicit your input on location.
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Tags: behavior, boss, corporate, cost, etiquette, group, lunch, meeting, organization, pay, team
This post was going to start off as a bit of a stupid people rant, but a few people redeemed it from frustration and dragged it into entertaining. Possibly, the sheer ridiculousness of the entire thing brought it to the ‘funny’ category too. Yesterday, I got this email: From: Katlyn Fergus Sent: July 7, 2011 […]
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Tags: bcc, cc, distribution, drama, email, entertainment, etiquette, funny, gmail, Google, hack, IT, list, never gunna give you up, phishing, pnc, porn, random, rickroll, ridiculous, rmu, Robert Morris, security, spam, stupid, stupid people, turtles, wtf
Spurred from Hall’s Rule of Social Order #103. The Ramones did it. Tom Delonge did it. Some fans say it’s like wearing uniforms in sports. Some fans think’s it silly that you can wear a sport jersey to a game, but you can’t wear a band’s tshirt to their concert. Maybe it’s a point of […]
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Tags: acceptable, clothes, concert, etiquette, fashion, game, indie, music, normal, PCU, ramones, social behavior, t-shirt, tee, tour, tshirt
Is it rude to cut steak all up before you eat it?
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Tags: before, cut, cutting, dinner, eating, etiquette, meat, proper, respect, rude, steak
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