Walking is not exercise. It’s just necessary. By dedicating an hour to walk, you’re just dedicating time to do more than necessary. Walking is like breathing or eating in that it’s a basic life function, and if you’re having to practice walking, you’re in bad shape. I can totally agree with people that find […]
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Tags: exercise, health, heart, run, walk, walking, work out
Today didn’t go quite how I wanted it to go. I lost structure and got distracted and demotivated a lot. We’ll see if I can get better for tomorrow. 7:30 am – Wake up for an 8:00am workday start from home Noon – quick jaunt to the local post office to send off some last […]
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Tags: alone, amazon, audio, best buy, commerce, computer, exercise, home, home depot, Kallie, lair, living ministry, money, music, pittsburgh, ridiculous, rock bottom, run, speakers, target, tv, who's still standing?
escalators are not accessibilty aids, they’re there for efficiency, and should be used as such. They’re designed to get people where they need to go faster. ie: don’t just stand on the escalator. If you can’t walk up or down them, you should be on an ELEVator. EXCEPTION CLAUSE: IF you decide to ignore this […]
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Tags: burn calories, climb, efficiency, efficient, elevator, escalator, exercise, fat, lazy, move, otis, people, people mover, speed, stairs, time, walk
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