LEGO Ideas is a site set up for people around the world to submit their ideas for possible sets. After I created my Cathedral of Learning and Stephen Foster Memorial in the Spring of 2012, I had many people ask me if I was going to submit it as a project for LEGO to review. […]
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Tags: architecture, bill peduto, building, cathedral of learning, cuusoo, Facebook, ideas, LEGO, people, Pitt, pittsburgh, project, support, university of pittsburgh, vote, world
Do you still sign in to instant messaging programs from home? I still use IM at work, but that’s it. In my single life, I was signed in 24/7 and I’d be up all night talking to anyone that wanted to chat. Recently, I guess I linked gchat to my google search profile or something, […]
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Tags: aim, chat, Facebook, gchat, ichat, icq, im, instant message, messenger
If you are not the customer, you are the product. Facebook doesn’t care about its website. It cares about the content it can get from you. Social media has created a market for selling users. Bloggers, tweets, and mobile apps are all valued by how many followers they have.
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Tags: advertisement, customer, Facebook, marketing, product, profit, website
Do not unfriend people on facebook. It’s true, and if you haven’t had it verified for you yet, just give it time. You’re either going to run into that person in real life and it’s going to be awkward for at least one of you They’re going to realize and do or say something negative […]
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Tags: awkward, block, defriend, delete, Facebook, family, friend, friends, interaction, like, people, respect, social, unfried
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Kallie and I went to see “The Social Network” yesterday, and I was surprised to see a lack of emotional tensity or even having the story being “Hollywood-ized”. The story was fairly believable and down to earth. I can’t comment on the accuracy of any of it, but from what I was already familiar with, […]
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Tags: Eduardo Saverin, Facebook, fake, gates, geek, hollywood, mark zuckerberg, movie, Myspace, napster, Palo Alto, review, sean parker, shawn fanning, social network, thefacebook, twins
Nothing is universal. What works for you may not work for others. What’s also important here is to remember to think objectively and inversely. ie: What does not work for you, may work for others. An example of this would be the modern social networking tools out there. Just because you don’t use RSS feeds, […]
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Tags: differences, different, efficient, Facebook, people, rss feeds, rules, social networking, social order, technology, twitter, universal, values, Work