how often do you talk to people on the phone? Answer the question for the people that are not physically close to you or that you don’t see in person regularly. I’ve always had the desire to see people, but I’ve never really wanted to talk to people on the phone. I just really dislike […]
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Tags: call, catch up, communicate, conversation, family, friend, long distance, people, phone, social, talk
Merry Christmas! Still doesn’t quite feel like Christmas without cold temperatures and some snow or frost. I think there are less public decorations than normal too. I haven’t noticed many street lamp signs or flags or trees or lights. Maybe I just need to get out more. I got to sleep a bunch today. I […]
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Tags: aunt leslie, batman, Christmas, cold, david, family, Kallie, LEGO, paint, uncle jay, video games, weather
Weddings are about the bride and groom. Don’t make it about you. Weddings are different and difficult for many reasons, and they are not trying to insult you by not inviting you. If you’re not married, you’ll learn.
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Tags: bells, bride, family, friends, groom, guest, insult, invite, mean, people, rude, wedding
The season is upon us! What’s your reason for the season? Is there something in particular you’re excited for each year? I think I always look forward most to the slow pace of life with work and even time off from work. Everyone is expected to slow down and stay indoors with family for extended […]
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Tags: born, cheer, christ, Christmas, family, God, holidays, merry, presents, season, snow, vacation, winter, xmas
Friends are replaceable. Family, is not. If you lost a family member, you will never be able to fill that void. All you can do it learn to ignore it and remember them.
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Tags: death, family, friends, life, role, sadness, support, void
Looks like I get to cross off something from my 30×30 sooner than I expected. She’s due April 12th. I felt this was appropriate. People on Yahoo! answers are stupid. How is babby formed?
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Tags: 30 x 30, 30x30, april, babby, baby, family, fatherhood, formed, goals, Kallie, news, plan, pregnant, thirty by thirty, Yahoo
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