I want to be on a game show. I think i missed the boat for jeopardy. I’ve always thought my family would be great on family feud. Price is Right would be sweet too. I just think it must be so easy to get on those things since it’s a new one every day. If […]
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Tags: family, game
$emo = rand(); class dreamgirl{ var $family; var $body; var $faith; var $humor; var $intelligence; var $sanity; var $ambition; var $interest; function PhysicalAttraction() { foreach($attributes as $key => $value){ return $value;} } function PersonalityCompatibility() { while($personality>0 && $interest!=NULL){ GetToKnow($personality); $personality–; NextStep($thisgirl); }else EXIT; }$thisgirl = new dreamgirl();>Error on line 21, function "NextStep" not defined.
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Tags: code, Faith, family, NextStep
25 April, 2008 (11:16) | Top 10 |
There’s certainly pros to being single, I will not dispute that. Maybe someday I’ll highlight those too. 10. when I go to church, it’s hard not to be looking for single girls. That’s the wrong reason to go to church, and the distraction is usually a reason for me not to go. 9. family […]
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Tags: church, eHarmony, family, home
So it’s midnight, we’re flipping through the channels and we come across "Heathers". I have never seen the whole thing, so we continue to watch it. We start watching right when Christian Slater and Winona Ryder give cleaner to her friend to kill her. Then we see them shoot 2 football players and make it […]
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Tags: ABC, ABC Family channel, Christian Slater, family, program director, school, Winona Ryder, wtf
I called off sick yesterday. Ended up spending a lot of the time on the phone with family drama. I’ll end there. Deirdre’s in tulsa, OK visiting a friend while she has a few days off between her play, Alice sit by the Fire. So i’ve been home alone with the 3 legged cat. I’m […]
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Tags: Deirdre, family, home, Jordan, music, play, sound equipment, tulsa, Work
Yesterday, someone sent me (and a bunch of others) an email saying that cell phone numbers were going public and they had to call some number to make sure they were added to a do not call list. I got another email from someone else that said that there is a state wide speeding ticket […]
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Tags: Dodge Charger Police, driver, family, friends, insurance card, KDKA, Pennsylvania, people, politics, Work
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