Build your identity on what you do, not what others do. Mind your own business don’t worry about celebs dating lives or the big movies they’re in. We’re supposed to get excited about Emmy awards? Aren’t their salaries enough of an award? Aren’t the endorsement deals, the free meals, or the fame enough for them? […]
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Tags: award, awards, business, celeb, celebrity, circus, designer, emmy, Entertainment tonight, famous, gossip, identity, movies, outfits, red carpet, rumor, store, street, tmz
You’re only legit when you have your own wikipedia entry.
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Tags: class, established, fame, famous, importance, legacy, legend, legit, order, proof, recognition, rule, social, wikipedia
Although there are famous people that play World of Warcraft, people that play World of Warcraft do not then become famous. By famous, I mean known for things outside of World of Warcraft that do not include their raid in Azeroth.
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Tags: celebrity, famous, mmorpg, monthly fees, people, play, role playing, world of warcraft