I’ve heard about the airlines that charge you for 2 seats if your body “prevents the use of safety belts or arm rests” or whatever, even famous director Kevin Smith was forced to pay the fees on one airline. What I’m thinking is that airlines start charging based on BMI, or some other type of […]
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Tags: airlines, bmi, charges, dogma, fat, fee, fees, flight, flights, kevin smith, overweight, people, prices, silent bob, ticket, weight
Companies that charge you for stupid things should never be trusted. You are only to embark on agreements with them out of necessity. If they’re not smart enough to think you’re smart enough to call "B.S." on a "convenience fee" or a "franchise fee" then they do not deserve your business. The very least they […]
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Tags: Comcast, customer service, fees, people, rant, satisfaction, verizon