I looked through the archive and I couldn’t find this topic, but I’ve ranted about this before. I’d be in total support of cutting the world’s dependency on commercialized food products down and replacing the obligation of eating with nutrition tubes. These tubes would be something you could wear on in a backpack or belt […]
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Tags: commercialized food products, diabetes, food
I woke up today at noon. Keren slept over last night too. When I woke up, I went down stairs and Keren and Deirdre were watching TV, a movie, called "Snowed in." I felt like it was a snow day from school. The three of us, just doing nothing but watching TV. It was cold, […]
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Tags: Deirdre, expelled energy, food, Keren, movie, school, Snowed in
Comments: 4, 3,233 views
they’re horribly expensive, all they have is crap in them, and at least with the machines at work, it’s all old food. I bought a nestle crunch bar yesterday because it had a "win a million dollars" game going on, and i felt lucky. Seriously, i usually go for the nutrigrain bar, but i honestly […]
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Tags: code, food, game, home, play, Work, wtf
When we were up at Yankanuck, J’aime and Keren came up with this idea to send grandma a newsletter every month, and call it “tell-a-gram”?. We would each take a month heading up the letter. No one ever did it, until J’aime took some intitiative last week to get us all to write a little […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, food, friends, home, internet appliances, Keren, movie, music, secretary, soul food, Work, wtf, yankanuck
Comments: 1, 3,743 views
What a weekend! loaded full of activity. I even ended up taking a nap! i hate naps! The day started with J’aime and Dan picking me up and we went to see Van Helsing. Not terrible. It was over 2 hours long, I think they should have split it into 2 movies. Overall, it wasn’t […]
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Tags: Adam, church, Deirdre, food, home, house, Keren, may day, mom, money, National Basketball Association, people, sleep, Van Helsing, waitress, Work
have you ever learned a new word, and then heard it all over the place?? It is just such a weird thing. It makes you think, have i been hearing this word the whole time, and just never paid any attention to it??? can it really be coincidence? for those of you who have never […]
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Tags: Ash wednesday, cashier, female lead singer, food, people, Soulpatch