17 February, 2012 (12:00) | FYI/DIY |
It’s called the Mpemba effect. It’s a weird phenomenon that has been repeated, but not effectively recreated. I had heard about it a long time ago, something like a friend told me to put hot water in the ice tray so that it would freeze faster. It doesn’t seem like that’s entirely valid, but maybe. […]
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Tags: boil, cold, effect, freeze, hot, law, mpemba, science, temperature, water
Which would you rather be? Extremely cold or extremely hot? I can’t stand the heat. I get sweaty, tired, and irritable. Also, when you’re hot, you can’t do much to cool down. When you’re cold, you can run around or something to get warm.
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Tags: air conditioning, burn, cold, freeze, hot, park, poll, sun, temperature, warm, weather