A malapropism (AKA dogberryism or acyrologia) is a phrase or word that can substitute to sound like another word phrase. Just like when you have some misheard song lyrics (These are called mondegreens btw), usually these have funny stories if they come up in real life situations. Here are a few examples of ones I’ve […]
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Tags: fragile, funny, ghandi, lyrics, malapropism, misheard, mondegreen, pun, real life, song, stories, story, words
Comments: 2, 1,696 views
When I bought my house in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, my roommate, Jordan, and I noticed that there were always people huddled around this building at the corner of Wylie Ave and Erin Street. We were unsettled, but also a little curious as to what was really going on there. Jordan asked my neighbor, […]
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Tags: august wilson, funny, hill district, home, house, jitney, Jordan, people, pittsburgh, sad, school, Sonny, Steve Mellon
I’ve told this story to only a few people. You might be a little grossed out, but it’s pretty funny. Sometime when I was in college, my cousin, Adam, invited me to take a trip to Cedar Point with a bunch of his friends. We met up at like 6 am and drove out to […]
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Tags: Adam, cedar point, friends, funny, g force, mantis, people, roller coaster, sick, sinus, snot, upside down
It’s been a while since I posted a personal update. Things in married life go well. New job goes well. Thinking about going back to school in the fall. That might be the level of detail you get in the updates going forward…not really sure. I don’t really want to write about my life with […]
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Tags: Atonement, bible, Billy Talent, Blade Runner, Cheyne Stoking, christ, church, Dead Man Shoes, dreams, easter, Everclear, friends, funny, God, Heinz Hall, home, house, internet meme, J. Alfred Prufrock, Kallie, Keren, love, Michael Jackson, Mike, mom, movie, Nova Scotia, people, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Symphony, poem, President of the United States of America, sad, school, sleep, song, Soul Coughing, Sparkle and Fade, travel, United States of America, Waking Life, War of the Worlds
It’s been a while since I’ve put up a post in the "memories" category. I was thinking about times I’ve almost died. There aren’t many, I think, but still something worth sharing. When I was in high school, I dug up my Uncle Jay’s 250 watt 15" Pevey bass amp from my dad’s barn. The funny thing about […]
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Tags: dad, funny, memories, metal chair, PHP, school, Work
Comments: 2, 3,136 views
When I see abandoned cars along the road or in vacant lots, or even really rusty old heavy machinery and such, I want to steal them. I had always thought it’d be fun to have a flatbed truck, drive up to these vehicles, and just take them. Take them to the recycling center for some extra […]
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Tags: car mover dolly, funny, house, rusty old heavy machinery