And now, the reason why these topics have a picture of a smiling kitten next to them. No matter how down I am, I’ve never been able to spend a few minutes on without feeling better and laughing. I don’t even like cats that much, but I’ll be darn if those pictures aren’t some of […]
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Tags: animals, caption, cat, cheezburger, funny, image, lol, lolcatz, picture, poor grammar, walrus
So i get this random newsletter in my email the other day from this summer camp program in Australia. My initial thought was that it was just spam, but it looks way to legit. So I go ahead and go through the unsubscribe steps, and just shrug it off. A day or two later, I get […]
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Tags: Australia, funny, Hall, Josh Hall, Kallie
I watched this video about why never to talk to the cops, ever, even if you’re innocent, and I wonder how many people have been self-incriminated. Then I look at a carton of goldfish snacks, and it says, "DO NOT PURCHASE IF CARTON IS OPEN OR TORN" and I chuckle at the thought of someone being that dumb to risk their health or life for a box […]
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Tags: funny, people
heh, just browsing through the old posts on my blog and found this: Pretty funny considering the timing and my recent thoughts on turning 26. I don’t remember writing that post at all, and that is why I love documenting my life.
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Tags: funny, love, thoughts
What’s your favorite orange-colored food? – Does pizza count? How about just american cheese? I hate pumpkin, that’s for sure. What’s the best way to drink orange juice? – Straight from the container. Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best? – I just had some yesterday, so I’m going to go with Reese’s Pieces. Although, I […]
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Tags: funny, geek, love, people
Comments: 1, 3,178 views
New blog topic! This category will be for the short posts where something particular made me smile. Kallie and I flew from California to Philly Friday, and Saturday all my family was getting together, but I wasn’t planning on flying back until Sunday night. I called my family while Kallie and I were in the […]
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Tags: California, Deirdre, family, funny, home, Kallie, love, philly, Philly airport, US Airways, Work