here’s an idea for a video game i came up with in the airplane. I call it "queue." Basically, it’s a sim crossed with lemmings. The idea is to manage people in lines in different scenarios. Each scenario would have a prize for passing it and that prize could assist you in later levels. Perhaps […]
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Tags: funny, game, people, play, school
29 October, 2007 (05:18) | Dreams |
wow. I think i see a trend going on here. i woke up at almost 4:15am from this dream. I had gone to bed about 4 am last night and slept until 5:30, and went to bed around 1am. I’ll have to start recording the times and such of these dreams. I’m going to leave […]
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Tags: AOL, Bruce, dad, Deirdre, dreams, family, funny, house, memories, movie, people, pepsi products, play, serah, sleep, What dreams may come, Work
Comments: 4, 3,359 views
New category! sometimes weird memories pop into my head that are usually pretty funny or very truth telling of what really happened. I’ve had 2 of these recently, but for the life of me I can’t remember what they were. I’ll try to keep this category geared towards entertaining stories. I can see how I could […]
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Tags: dad, family, friends, funny, GET BACK TO WORK, God, home, house, Jack Nicholson, memories, mom, Work
Comments: 2, 3,433 views
21 February, 2007 (19:44) | Dreams |
haha, i’m still laughing at this one. Just woke up and this dream put me in a good mood. so for some reason, we’re going to have a family get together at one of the new casinos out is philadelphia. Not just my immediate family, but aunts and uncles and such too. I have no […]
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Tags: Adam, family, funny, game, Jay, Josh Hall, magician, mom, people, play, waitress
Comments: 4, 4,438 views
GAD! I’m broken. Andrew Bonnell emailed me friday and asked if i’d play basketball for his church league on saturday, and i was excited to accept. I haven’t played for so long, but i was making shots in warm up, i started, made a few points, some good plays, but i wasn’t “in the zone” […]
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Tags: basketball, church, funny, house, PHP, play, school, Work
Comments: 6, 2,967 views
alright, i have a chance to fill you in on everything since the last update. It’s been a busy few weeks. so finals for classes sucked, but i got through them with an 88% and an 84%. kinda sucky about the 88%, because I thought for sure I was going to get an A in […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, code, Coors, Curtis, Deirdre, denver, Fish Creek Falls, funny, home, Jordan, Josh Hall, Kim, Minneapolis, nurse, people, pharmacist, professor, same professor, school, sleep, song, TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL, the oscars, United Kingdom, Work, wtf