Here’s another video game idea that actually came to me as a result of a dream. In the dream, I’m in a big city landscape, being chased down by military and such. I end up stealing a Gatling gun and taking a bunch of them out at a time and then running away on roof […]
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Tags: anarchy, change, dream, fighter, game, grand theft auto, gta, idea, mmo, online game, Rage, revolution, riot, rockstar, streeets of rage, streets of rage, survival, video game
Spurred from Hall’s Rule of Social Order #103. The Ramones did it. Tom Delonge did it. Some fans say it’s like wearing uniforms in sports. Some fans think’s it silly that you can wear a sport jersey to a game, but you can’t wear a band’s tshirt to their concert. Maybe it’s a point of […]
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Tags: acceptable, clothes, concert, etiquette, fashion, game, indie, music, normal, PCU, ramones, social behavior, t-shirt, tee, tour, tshirt
Probably very much to do about the pens loss last night to the montreal canadiens in game 6, I had a dream I was playing in the game. I was the stand-by goalie, and we were down 3-4 in the second when I was put in to replace Fluery. I was amazing. So much so, that I deflected a shot […]
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Tags: game, goalie, happy, people
Had a dream about a video game last night. It was a free roam world, 3rd person, kind of like the game Black & White. All the characters were animals and you had to interact with them to learn "concepts" like trading, communication, hiring, etc to get things done. The point was just to create […]
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Tags: create, game, George Orwell, happy, money, Work
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Sitting around a friend’s house Saturday, Nick, Andy, and I had a fleeting idea for a new business. We’ll call it Retro’s. It’s a store where they have every video game console available for you to play. You’d have to have the systems behind a case, and only employees are allowed to handle them. Patrons […]
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Tags: business, console, game, games, house, membership, Nintendo, play, retro, video games, Work
3 January, 2009 (15:42) | News |
In recent sports news, Grapevine Faith played Gainesville State School in football, but the fans from Faith rooted for the other team. The formed a line for the other team to run through at the beginning of the game, the made a sign for them to bust through, and cheered for them throughout the game. […]
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Tags: Faith, Gainesville, Gainesville State School, game, home, recent sports news, school, Yale