What should I do with all these old jackets from my high school sports days? I was not a record setting athlete by any means, but I have jackets from soccer, basketball, and then even some jackets from little league baseball. They’re really nice quality jackets, but they have my name embroidered into the chest […]
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Tags: baseball, basketball, burn, clothes, destroy, donate, fashion, give, high school, identity, information, jackets, personal, soccer, sports
Comments: 2, 1,350 views
Give generously. I’m not talking [just] monetarily. I am talking about your stuff, your time, your work, your abilities. Sometimes I take flak about how I will sell anything I own. It’s true, if I’m not using it, I don’t want it taking up space. If someone else would use it, all the better. […]
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Tags: bible, charity, donation, give, giving, goodwill, money, stuff, time, Work
What is the most important world cause? Where do your priorities lie? Frame the question in the sense of if you had 1 chance to erradicate one of the items forever, which would it be?
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Tags: aids, charity, donate, food, give, government, help, hiv, homeless, injustice, jobless, money, political, politics, shelter, time
29 November, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
I like being organized. I like lists because they help me stay organized. Give me a list of tips on how to stay organized and I’m in heaven. http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/02/organized.people.o/index.html? To summarize, it’s easier to be organized when you reduce the amount of stuff you have to organize and you make the steps required for being […]
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Tags: calendar, clean, clutter, donate, effiecient, give, list, organized, plan, schedule, stuff, tips
15 November, 2010 (12:00) | |
By my 30th birthday, Friday, November 16th, 2012, I’d like to accomplish a few things. I got the idea to come up with the list from my friend, Ben, but I’m not ambitious enough to list 100 things in 1000 days. I was thinking about just doing “24 things in 24 months” but that makes […]
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Tags: 30, album, art, basement, bathroom, bike, birthday, books, cd, city, country, creative, DC, different, digital, Do, Fix, give, idea, Kallie, LEGO, list, music, original, people, pittsburgh, poem, professional, program, project, promotion, rrod, run, school, song, take, thinking, time, track, xbox
Comments: 5, 23,786 views
Give someone a shove, and they take flight. Give one some love, and they take your night. Take someone’s breath away, and they give you love. Take the time in a day, and they give answers from above.
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Tags: above, give, love, poem, poems, take, word, words