So, I called this Girl and the Goat place after looking online and seeing they were booked for 2 weeks out. They did have a cancellation at 11:30pm if I wanted that. I had just read an interesting article about getting into elite restaurants, and was excited to try my hand at some of the […]
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Tags: brussel sprouts, chicago, food, girl and the goat, golden monkey, great, lamb, left hand, left hand brewery, ravioli, reservations, restaurant, review, small plate, stephanie izard, stout, top chef, voodoo, voodoo brewery
"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink." – George Orwell
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Tags: George Orwell, great, real, words
Comments: 2, 2,581 views
2 April, 2004 (02:43) | News |
The girl never ceases to amaze me. She, once again, brought a finger eleven show to me. They are coming to x-fest. and so is switchfoot. many more to be announced. i bought 4 tickets. so i will see them there and rolling rock town fair. matchbook romance is coming to Mr smalls too. lots […]
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Tags: Adrienne, am, COMING, Finger Eleven, girl, great, more, rock, show, thanks, will
Comments: 2, 2,714 views
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