#84 – Life is defined by maintenance. All you do in life is try to maintain it. You eat for energy to do it again. you sleep to do it again. You work to pay for it again. You do more or something new to make you happy…again. Life becomes a huge cycle of maintenance. […]
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Tags: bills, eat, enegery, food, happiness, life, live, maintain, maintenance, pay, play, sleep, stuff, Work
Do you believe in love? I’m sure people’s definitions vary widely, just like their capacity to love.
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Tags: happiness, life, love, the darkness
When I was in college, I had a creative writing class. It was a small class, less than 20 of us, and we met in one of the cool nationality rooms at Pitt. The professor’s last name was Hall, and I enjoyed her and the class tremendously. I don’t claim to have had a special […]
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Tags: blog, box, cathedral of learning, ceramic, college, create, creative, english, falcon, figurine, glaze, happiness, life, lipton tea, literature, nationality rooms, peregrine, Pitt, porcelain, red rose, semester, tea, writing, wyep
“Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel.” – Horace Walpole
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Tags: comedy, errors, feelings, happiness, life, think, thinker, thinking, thought, thoughts, tragedy
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