turning 25 on the 16th…wow. Deirdre just showed me a pic from my high school soccer days and said, "here’s you almost 10 years ago." WTF 10 years ago??! When the crap did that happen!?!? shoot. I havent done half of what i had hoped i’d do by the time i’m 25. It’s really depressing, […]
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Tags: Deirdre, happy, hill district, house, Mayor, people, pittsburgh, pittsburgh mayor, play, school, slacker and social engineer, sleep, soccer, Work, wtf
Comments: 2, 3,171 views
ahhh, back to the josh hall we all know and love. here i am, depressed, alone, unmotivated, introverted, and not eating, only this time, i’m already 20 pounds ahead of the game. i lack direction, i lack support, i lack guidance, i lack interaction, i lack life. i watched a movie called palindromes today, and […]
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Tags: family, friends, game, happy, love, movie, people
october. It went from 70 degree weather to 50 in the matter of a day or two. i’m not happy. effing october. Went down to annapolis this weekend with my sisters to hang out with serah. it was a good time. we didnt really do all that much, but it was nice to hang out. […]
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Tags: birthday, happy, Mike, mom, money, school, serah, Work
bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we […]
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Tags: AOL, code, game, geek, happy, head, josh, London, love, msn, nuke, phpnuke, slam man, stupid site, Work
so, i have been slacking on this majorly. pretty much on everything. I got GTA San Andreas the day after it came out, so i had been playing that a lot. over 40 hours logged in the game, and only 50% done. the game is huge. huge doesnt even begin to describe this game. so […]
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Tags: adventure, Florida, game, happy, people, sleep, thoughts, Work
Comments: 4, 3,139 views
so here i am, same boat that i was in this time last year, on the hunt for a job. Just 1 interview so far, nothing back from that yet either. I am sending my resume all over the country, honestly, i am hoping for a move. I haven’t been happy for a while, and […]
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Tags: happy, people, sad
Comments: 7, 3,006 views