So this weekend was killer. just not killer enough. and you can take that either way. I just don’t get it sometimes. “It” being how we are are supposed to live. It all just seems so pointless. Why do i have to work? why do i have to go to school? why do i need […]
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Tags: Deirdre, geek, happy, house, mom, money, people, school, Work
Comments: 2, 2,467 views
ok, so you all have read about my sleeping 12 hours a night and all that. well, i decided to give up trying to control my sleeping pattern, and let my own body decide when it was ready. And, i am really happy with it. I have been going to bed at 5 am, 10 […]
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Tags: baltimore, Deirdre, friends, guitar, happy, love, people, play, sleep, Work
what a crazy week. and it isnt even over yet. working from 4- midnight does a number on you. Monday i woke up at 9 and went down to Wheeling to get my teeth inspected by “Dr. Dan.” No cavatities here. i havent seen a dentist in like 6 or 7 years. i was surprised. […]
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Tags: Adam, basketball, email server, game, happy, Oakland, people, Work
well i still am in a major down. i havent left my apartment since tuesday, and that was to get some pizza downtown at sbarro’s. and befor that i havent left since work sunday. and before that, it was jubillee. i didnt go to cornerstone, i am so self destructive. i want to tear every […]
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Tags: create, dreams, happy, Keren, music, people, PHP, play, school, sleep, starving artist, thoughts, Work
Comments: 2, 2,532 views
I just got done watching the movie Love, Actually. What a beautiful movie! It is about the agony of love, and the many faces it has. Wonderful. and something i am really exited about. So now i have another title. Don’t ask me where that title came from though, i have no clue.:) Guess that […]
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Tags: Billy Talent, cellular telephone, Chris, happy, Josh Hall, love, movie, people, Touchtown
J’aime and Dan slept over my house tonight since they were visiting Dan’s mom with her surgery. So far everything seems to have gone well, no signs of paralysis as they had feared. well, i am officially the “tech leader” for Cornerstone now. Should be cool. I have no idea what my responsibilities are yet, […]
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Tags: Christmas, happy, house, mom, people, tech leader, Touchtown
Comments: 4, 3,701 views