I’m a part of Steel City LUG, and we’re displaying at LEGO KidsFest this weekend, so I wanted to put together something special for it. I was imbued by the Batman/Joker of Arthur Gugick, who was inspired by Christopher Doyle’s Dorian Bley. I originally had a different idea, but it was my wife that came up […]
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Tags: art, harry potter, hp, kids, kidsfest, LEGO, lenticular, lug, mosaic, pittsburgh, steel city lug, voldemort
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hearing the talk about Queen Elizabeth being in Canada and then speaking at the United Nations made me remember the time I saw the Queen. In May of 2007, Keren was spending a semester in Italy, so the whole family decided to take a trip over to see her. While I was over there, I […]
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Tags: britain, Canada, daniel radcliffe, elizabeth, equus, family, Harry, harry potter, home, Italy, Keren, London, london eye, motorcade, naked, Queen, queen elizabeth, royal, united nations, Work
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