7 November, 2007 (14:12) | Top 10 |
Most ridiculous British laws: 10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow 9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour 8. It is illegal to avoid telling the […]
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Tags: British coast, Christmas, christmas day, clerk, head, King, Liverpool, policeman, Queen, Scotland, Yahoo, York
9 January, 2006 (18:05) | Music |
Gratitude – This is the part this song has been running through my head for the past few days. I woke up this morning and it’s blasting in my head, i can’t turn it off. They’re a great band. THIS IS THE PART!
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Tags: head, song
Threw up last night at 2am. Havent thrown up since i was like 12. so i stayed home from work today. Dunno what’s going on with my body. It might be the weight loss thing. this morning i woke up and weighed myself, and i was 192. at the beginning of the year, i was […]
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Tags: head, home, house, love, manager, movie, national guard, new orleans, school, Work
bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we […]
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Tags: AOL, code, game, geek, happy, head, josh, London, love, msn, nuke, phpnuke, slam man, stupid site, Work
my hair is falling out. the top of my head is thinning. the sides are still full and growing. ‘ts bad. I am a 40 year old. beer gut and man boobs to match. notice the new survey.
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Tags: am, falling, hair, head, Man
Comments: 4, 3,024 views
i have this song that has been in my head for over a year now. i have all the parts and lyrics and everything completed in my head, and every once and a while i sing it and want to record it, but never do, because in my head, Finger Eleven sings it. it is […]
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Tags: Finger Eleven, head, sing, song
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