It’s been less than 24 hours since I dropped hnn-hnn (Jan-Jan) and Bumpa off at the airport. Survival mode is already engaged. The Mirkwood fog must have been pouring through the vents as we slept. What day is it? What’s that noise? What’s that smell? I sold my soul to the sirens of Sesame Street […]
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Tags: bumpa, family, help, hnn hnn, inlaws, kids, love, sick, sleep, wife
When picking friends, try to find friends who can do things you can’t. and things you can do they can’t. lawyers, car repair, home repair, etc are all skills that are great to have accessible. Sure, sometimes it’s nice to have friends that have things in common with you, but if you can find friends […]
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Tags: community, favor, friends, group, help, job, neighbor, profession
What do single people with no friends do when they have to get an operation? How about people from out of town, either as exchange students or just long term work assignments? How do you get yourself to and from a place while you’re under anesthesia? When I had to get foot surgery, It required […]
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Tags: car, care, drive, family, friends, help, industry, medical, rent a friend, service, surgery, transportation
Don’t keep your personal struggles secret. That’s what’s making it a personal struggle. Share it. Expose it. The only way to get rid of the dark is to bring in the light! Don’t be ashamed! Don’t assume you can handle it on your own! The sooner you tell friends the sooner you can get […]
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Tags: family, friends, help, pain, secret, struggle
What is the most important world cause? Where do your priorities lie? Frame the question in the sense of if you had 1 chance to erradicate one of the items forever, which would it be?
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Tags: aids, charity, donate, food, give, government, help, hiv, homeless, injustice, jobless, money, political, politics, shelter, time
Never be too prideful to ask or accept help. Don’t be ashamed to get counseling or professional help either.
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Tags: counseling, family, friend, help, therapist