“Give them a torch, and someone will start yelling, “FIRE!”” – Joshua Hall In context, I came up with this phrase when I was trying to help a business group at work by giving them information about a technology plan to make updates to PCs. Since I told them, they started pointing at that […]
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Tags: back fire, education, enough rope to hang yourself, fire, help, information, knowledge, power, users
When Kallie and I had our back windshield broken by some kids while she was at work, she drove it home and I started doing some research on getting it replaced. In my online search, I found a lot of car windshield replacement services that boasted 24/7 hours. What I learned though, is that just […]
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Tags: 24/7, aaa, broken, call, car, charge, danger, drive, extra, Fix, glass, help, Kallie, mechanic, next day, overnight, repair, replacement, wind, windscreen, windshield
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17
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Tags: bible, brother, friends, hard, help, love, proverbs, rough, support, tough times
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” – Booker T Washington
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Tags: booker t washington, friend, help, quote, selfless
#19 goes both ways. If you’re not asking people for help, then who is your family?
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Tags: family, help, humility, people, pride, relationships
You’re considered family when you’re asked for help. Think about it. If you don’t feel comfortable asking someone for help, it’s probably because of a varying degree of either fearing their reaction, or not trusting them. Neither are the traits that exist in a (healthy) family relationship. It’s a form of flattery honestly.
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Tags: family, help, relationships, rules, social order, trust