What should I do with all these old jackets from my high school sports days? I was not a record setting athlete by any means, but I have jackets from soccer, basketball, and then even some jackets from little league baseball. They’re really nice quality jackets, but they have my name embroidered into the chest […]
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Tags: baseball, basketball, burn, clothes, destroy, donate, fashion, give, high school, identity, information, jackets, personal, soccer, sports
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My senior year in high school, I was dunking. My hands were too small to palm a basketball firmly enough, so I had to build up the ability to get high enough for both hands to be above the rim. Let me step back a bit. We had a new coach my senior year. I […]
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Tags: above the rim, air, basketball, Charleroi, coach, dunk, foul, high school, jam, jump, Laurel Business Institute, loss, memories, memory, slam, technical, ups, violation
9 September, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
I’m starting to question memory in dreams. In some of my more recent dreams, the feeling of being familiar with the dream happens. Does this mean that I really did dream about that dream before, or is it all part of the fantasy and illusions in dreams? Recently, I’ve had dreams that I’m in a […]
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Tags: Alzheimer, dance, dream, dreams, fake, high school, lucid, memories, memory, musical, past, performance, play, real, remember, vivid
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