Looks like the Hill’s grocery store is finally financially stable enough to move forward and be completed by late spring or early summer, but we’ve been told that before. Also in the article is an announcement for new apartments and retail 1 block away from me. Good news! – http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/funding-secured-for-hill-district-shop-n-save-660928/ If you are curious what […]
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Tags: bedford, centre ave, city, development, hill district, master plan, mountain, penguins, pittsburgh, residential, view
Starting Monday, the SEA is free to demolish the old Mellon Arena. I guess it’s more like taking it apart piece by piece. They have to remove all the tiles from the roof to get to the asbestos first. I bet it’s going to look pretty gnarly for a while. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11267/1177238-53.stm
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Tags: Centre Avenue, civic arena, hill district, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh
Here’s some interesting past and present pictures of the Hill District. I can’t even imagine the Hill District being as lively as it used to be. So many buildings and businesses and people. It seems like it truly was connected to the hustle and bustle of downtown at one time. http://multimedia.post-gazette.com/ThenNow/Hill/Center/default.asp http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11226/1166781-53.stm
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Tags: centre ave, city, future, granada, hill, hill district, life, past, photo, pittsburgh, present, time
a nice write up in the Wall Street Journal on how houses in the Pittsburgh area keep increasing in value even through the housing bubble pop. It even goes into some specific houses and neighborhoods around the city. It’s a great place and time to buy… *cough* *cough* http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303657404576363150295506130.html?mod=WSJ_RealEstate_LeftTopNews
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Tags: buy, hill district, homes, houses, journal, Pitt, pittsburgh, realestate, wall street
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Alright, now that we’re into the summer and for sale signs are posted, here’s a break down of all the houses that are for sale in the Hill District: 113 Erin Street – $143,900 : My neighbor’s house who passed away in February 2011 and now his son is selling it. If you’ve been to […]
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Tags: 15219, ambassador, buy, cheap, forclosure, hill district, home, home owner, house, houses, interest rates, mortgage, neighbor, pittsburgh, pittsburgh city living, realestate, sell, sheriff sale, shop 'n save, ymca
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Here’s a cool overlay of the Mellon Arena / Civic Arena site and what it used to look like. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11107/1138810-455.stm
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Tags: Centre Avenue, city living, civic arena, hill district, history, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, revitalization