"The fact that the team is really young this year shows a lot of potential and exciting games for next year too. Even if we can’t win this year, we still have a lot of hope and potential for next year too." – Deirdre Hall of the Hill District
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Tags: Deirdre, hill district
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What the heck is up with Don Barden? This guy is probably the worst business man I’ve ever read stories about. He didn’t want to play ball with the penguins when he first got the license, then he didn’t want to play ball with the steelers and pirates, then he didnt want to play ball […]
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Tags: Don Barden, friends, hill district, pittsburgh, play, worst business man
Throughout my years of living in the Hill District, I’ve noticed a few cultural trends on pedestrian behavior. One is just to stand around on the corners of Centre Avenue with nothing to do but watch people drive by or make obvious glances at women as they walk by. This happens 24 hours a day, […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, driver, hill district, people
the YMCA just announced that they’ll build a new YMCA in the hill district, about…oh you know…1 block from my house. Not only build a brand new one, but add on to their existing one further down centre avenue. Awesome. 3 year plan is in full effect now.
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Tags: hill district, house
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Save-A-Lot is going to have breakfast with some city officials tomorrow at the Grand Concourse down at Station Square. Looks like is completely separate from the arena talks, which really might sweeten the deal if the peguins are going to chip in something. They turned down starting a store in 2004, but a lot has changed in 4 years… If […]
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Tags: hill district, home, Station Square
Remember when the residents of Pittsburgh’s Hill District burned their own homes and community to the ground in the 60s? I wasn’t there to remember it, but the people who burned the Luke Ravenstahl’s proposed plan for redevelopment were, but it seems like forgot. These people are going ego-tripping, power-hungry, and ostentacious. They’re stuck on […]
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Tags: hill district, One Hill Group, people, pittsburgh, Tonya Payne