3 January, 2008 (15:07) | News |
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08003/846452-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml Looking good! Hill district getting a grocery store, developing the YMCA, and probably a bunch of good jobs reserved for residents. This will really help with the new housing assitance law that passed Jan 1st. People who have no jobs or income were paying $25 for rent at some places, but come 2008, they […]
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Tags: assitance law, Crawford square, hill district, house, love, money, music, people, Work
turning 25 on the 16th…wow. Deirdre just showed me a pic from my high school soccer days and said, "here’s you almost 10 years ago." WTF 10 years ago??! When the crap did that happen!?!? shoot. I havent done half of what i had hoped i’d do by the time i’m 25. It’s really depressing, […]
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Tags: Deirdre, happy, hill district, house, Mayor, people, pittsburgh, pittsburgh mayor, play, school, slacker and social engineer, sleep, soccer, Work, wtf
Comments: 2, 3,171 views
Wee! So, Trip is all set now. Leaving pittsburgh may 16th headed for a quick stop in new york then over to rome. Then, first class to london on wednesday may 23rd. Back to rome on the 25th, then back to the states on saturday, the 26th. Work is paying for my room & board […]
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Tags: Carnegie museum, dallas, Deirdre, family, farmer, hill district, Katrina New Orleans, Keren, London, Luke Ravenstaul, Mayor, new york, people, pittsburgh, Propel Pittsburgh Commission, rome, Work
Mom reserved a castle (more like a villa) for the Italy trip. http://www.rentalcastles.com/scandeluzza.htm We have the Madonne and Pelligrini suites. They look pretty nice. looks like it will cost me about $500 for the week. Still have to work out when I wan to go to london, but the flight to rome leaves wednesda may […]
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Tags: friends, hill district, house, Keren, mom, pittsburgh, Post-Gazette, St. patrick's day, Work