I’m not looking to be famous, but I want a story to tell. Not even a story for me to tell, but for my great grandchildren or something. I’d love to be an extra in a movie or have my name in the liner notes of a popular CD. Just something very subtle, but when […]
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Tags: background, cd, grand children, history, legacy, movie, name, notice, Thank you
Kallie and I found a nice groupon getaway to the Lowes Annapolis Hotel. We stayed a Saturday and Sunday night. During the first night, there was an event held in the main atrium of the hotel. I could imagine the noise from that event carried into the 6 floors of rooms that surrounded the atrium. […]
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Tags: annapolis, app, breakfast, food, groupon, guide, historic, history, hotel, inn, iphone, lowes, Maryland, middleton, review, reynolds, tavern, tour, town, trip, vacation, visit, walk
This one will be a story, within a story…where’s Christopher Nolan when you need him? I wanted to make some martini one night, and I didn’t have any vodka. Deirdre and Jordan were out and planning on coming over later, so I asked them to swing by the state store to pick up some vodka […]
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Tags: antique, bottle, christopher nolan, country, D.C., DC, Deirdre, diplomat, drink, grandma, heirloom, history, Jordan, martini, Maryland, MD, mom, Russia, Soviet, stoli, stolichnaya, u.s.s.r., ussr memory, vodka, washington
29 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
10. I learned a lot about php, mysql, SEO, html, java, web design, social networking, webtraffic, and a lot of other geeky stuff that’s come in handy in my job and in my personal life. Sometimes, just doing things is the best learning tool. 9. When my dad passed, a college friend of his emailed […]
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Tags: blog, blogger, conversations, diary, documentation, family, friends, good things, happy, history, journal, legacy, LEGO, log, me, people, ravennuke, wordpress
Here’s a cool overlay of the Mellon Arena / Civic Arena site and what it used to look like. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11107/1138810-455.stm
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Tags: Centre Avenue, city living, civic arena, hill district, history, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, revitalization
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