Necessity breeds creativity. That is what happened here. When we moved into this house, the lamppost never worked. I couldn’t figure it out. I also had a dislike for the original lamppost that was there since it didn’t have a switch to turn it on or off and it didn’t have an outlet at its […]
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Tags: art, function, home, lamp, LEGO, light, sculpture
“Home is where your heart is; work is where your laptop is.”
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Tags: home, life, Work
Never fully trust a realtor. Despite what they say, they’re probably not thinking with your desires 100% in their minds. As a general rule of thumb, you should always know and question people’s intentions. if they have no incentive to help you, they probably aren’t. realtors make money from you. They have a little motivation […]
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Tags: agent, business, buyer, for sale, foreclosure, home, house, money, profit, real estate, realestate, realtor, realty, sale, seller, trust
today was an emotionally draining day. all is well though. slept at my mom’s last night, woke up to return to the city around 10. Brought a dolly back from my mom’s to help me wheel in the deep freezer i bought off craigslist yesterday. I always told kallie that we can justify more freezer […]
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Tags: ceiling, Christmas, dad, daughter, Deirdre, emotion, exhausted, father, freezer, fridge, home, home depot, house, mom, oops, phone, repair, tired
Today didn’t go quite how I wanted it to go. I lost structure and got distracted and demotivated a lot. We’ll see if I can get better for tomorrow. 7:30 am – Wake up for an 8:00am workday start from home Noon – quick jaunt to the local post office to send off some last […]
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Tags: alone, amazon, audio, best buy, commerce, computer, exercise, home, home depot, Kallie, lair, living ministry, money, music, pittsburgh, ridiculous, rock bottom, run, speakers, target, tv, who's still standing?
I’m being super proactive and structured while Kallie is out in California for a week. My default has been to do nothing, get mopey and grumpy, and sleep a lot. I’m going to try to have a very productive and also entertaining week while I’m by myself. The reality of this probably being one of […]
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Tags: 23, California, Christmas, home, Jim Carrey, Kallie, LEGO, move, Work