alright, i have a chance to fill you in on everything since the last update. It’s been a busy few weeks. so finals for classes sucked, but i got through them with an 88% and an 84%. kinda sucky about the 88%, because I thought for sure I was going to get an A in […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, code, Coors, Curtis, Deirdre, denver, Fish Creek Falls, funny, home, Jordan, Josh Hall, Kim, Minneapolis, nurse, people, pharmacist, professor, same professor, school, sleep, song, TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL, the oscars, United Kingdom, Work, wtf
well, in an unexpected and rather quick and easy process, I have been offered a promotion at work. I’ll be moving off my european hours of 4am to noon, to twilight hours of 4pm to midnight, monday through friday. I’ll be the level 2 for the group, which means I’ll be on the phone less, […]
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Tags: car decision, car shopping, car show, home, money, United Kingdom, VPN, Work
yeah….so remember that house that i wanted to buy a year ago? I put a bid in on it yesterday. I’ll hear monday if i get it or not. It just came back up on the market at the begining of the month. I saw it, and the water damage was not that bad at […]
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Tags: bank, home, house, Keren, online class, people, same professor, school, Work
Comments: 2, 2,815 views
why isn’t there something that does the opposite of a microwave? some that blasts water in a tray with waves that make it into ice cubes in 30 seconds? or maybe you had a long drive home from the store, and your icecream is starting to melt, throw it in the macrowave. there are lots […]
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Tags: home, microwave
When we were up at Yankanuck, J’aime and Keren came up with this idea to send grandma a newsletter every month, and call it “tell-a-gram”?. We would each take a month heading up the letter. No one ever did it, until J’aime took some intitiative last week to get us all to write a little […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, food, friends, home, internet appliances, Keren, movie, music, secretary, soul food, Work, wtf, yankanuck
Comments: 1, 3,735 views
So i am coming home on a 2 lane highway, going about 65 mph, and there is an ambulance in the right hand lane. It has all those crazy lights it has going wild, which is enhanced by it being 10:30 at night. So i am slowly approaching it, and i am hit with this […]
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Tags: driver, home