If your problems are found to be geographic, leave. I’ll probably take some judgment here. I’ve always struggled with hungry people in 3rd world countries. Why are we taking the food and supplies directly to them? If school buildings, water wells, or something else enables the people to start caring for themselves, then great, but […]
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Tags: 3rd world, abandon, detroit, employment, flee, food, freedom, geography, get out of dodge, home, hunger, job, jobs, leave, liberty, michigan, nomad, poverty, problem, refuge, relocate, stubborn, travel, unemployment, vagabond, Work, world
30 September, 2011 (14:59) | Reviews |
So this device was announced back in September of 2010 when Apple announced their Airplay technology. I was stoked for this technology. Kallie wanted a way to play her music in the kitchen, and throughout the house for that matter, and her laptop speakers…well, they’re laptop speakers. I didn’t want to go buy a […]
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Tags: airplay, airtunes, app, apple, battery, home, home theatre, ios, ip37, ipad, iphone, ipod, itunes, iw1, Kallie, mac, music, network, pc, portable, rechargeable, remote, review, security, sound, speaker, stereo, technology, toy, wep, wifi, wireless, wpa2
We all grow up, but some of us never leave home. Some of us will always remain close to where we grew up. It’s not a bad thing either way, sometimes it’s born out of necessity. I know a lot of people who moved so far away from home, but they ended up moving back.
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Tags: adventure, city, close, dad, family, holidays, home, independence, life, mom, parents, together, travel, visit
Alright, now that we’re into the summer and for sale signs are posted, here’s a break down of all the houses that are for sale in the Hill District: 113 Erin Street – $143,900 : My neighbor’s house who passed away in February 2011 and now his son is selling it. If you’ve been to […]
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Tags: 15219, ambassador, buy, cheap, forclosure, hill district, home, home owner, house, houses, interest rates, mortgage, neighbor, pittsburgh, pittsburgh city living, realestate, sell, sheriff sale, shop 'n save, ymca
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26 April, 2011 (12:00) | News |
http://www.hgtv.com/green-home/index.html Vote often! Invite me when you win! It’s outside Denver, Colorado this year. You can also enter twice a day this year if you use the frontdoor.com site as well.
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Tags: 2011, colorado, contest, dever, dream home, giveaway, green, hgtv, home, house, sweepstakes, tv, win
hearing the talk about Queen Elizabeth being in Canada and then speaking at the United Nations made me remember the time I saw the Queen. In May of 2007, Keren was spending a semester in Italy, so the whole family decided to take a trip over to see her. While I was over there, I […]
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Tags: britain, Canada, daniel radcliffe, elizabeth, equus, family, Harry, harry potter, home, Italy, Keren, London, london eye, motorcade, naked, Queen, queen elizabeth, royal, united nations, Work
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