Every time i look at my $75 a month cable bill, I wonder why I pay it. I was so happy without cable, and if I lived alone, there would be no cable. I don’t understand why I have to pay so much money for something that gives me commercials. This opens another topic about […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Comcast, happy, home, manager, money, people, rant, representative, supervisor, wtf
Had this idea for a story during the night, when i was partially dreaming, partially awake, which really makes the best setting for cognitive creativity. Your mind has the boundaries of normal thought and imagination removed, but your logic is present enough to keep it all in order. Anyway, I digress. The main character is […]
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Tags: forward, home, ideas
So I had a dream last night where I rode my guitar case all the way from pittsburgh to my mom’s house. The case had 4 wheels on the bottom of it and it stool vertically, and I sat where the handle would be. I was just kicking off the ground for momentum. The dream […]
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Tags: guitar, home, house, mom, pittsburgh, song
25 April, 2008 (11:16) | Top 10 |
There’s certainly pros to being single, I will not dispute that. Maybe someday I’ll highlight those too. 10. when I go to church, it’s hard not to be looking for single girls. That’s the wrong reason to go to church, and the distraction is usually a reason for me not to go. 9. family […]
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Tags: church, eHarmony, family, home
Driving back home from DC today, and I got an idea for a cool phrase; Calling someone your cyclops. You use it to describe someone of the opposite sex that you would definitely be in love with if only (insert reason here. Here’s an example conversation: You: Yeah, me and Adrienne have always been the […]
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Tags: friends, home, Josh Hall, love, song
When Steely McBeam was first announced as the new Pittsburgh Steelers mascot, he was meant with some resistance. Perhaps his latest DUI is just a sign of dedication to how he fits in our city’s social atmosphere. He likes to drink just like us! I’ve always said, "Pittsburgh is a drinking town with a football […]
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Tags: home, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Steelers