I’d be a great eccentric millionaire. I was just thinking today about how much we rely on people’s names as sufficient identification. I would build the biggest house and make it so awesome, then invite tons of people that have the same name as me to live there so we’d have the same address. We’d […]
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Tags: confusing, house, idea, millionaire, names, nomenclature, people, screw the system, thought
12 August, 2007 (04:48) | Dreams |
It’s present time, and me and my sisters are over at the estate doing random work inside the barn. Keren’s boyfriend, Robbie, is there as well. He and I are loading some bags of garbage into the back of the my truck. Keren and my mom are around too, and we’re talking about me forgetting […]
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Tags: birthday, car drives, Christmas, dreams, house, Keren, Michael Galis, mom, music, play, red and orange paint, Robbie, serah, Work
Comments: 2, 3,511 views
New category! sometimes weird memories pop into my head that are usually pretty funny or very truth telling of what really happened. I’ve had 2 of these recently, but for the life of me I can’t remember what they were. I’ll try to keep this category geared towards entertaining stories. I can see how I could […]
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Tags: dad, family, friends, funny, GET BACK TO WORK, God, home, house, Jack Nicholson, memories, mom, Work
Comments: 2, 3,429 views
Got back from Italy late saturday night, and it’s been a lot of reality hitting me in the face ever since. before I list everything, Italy was great. The vatican is the most amazing place i’ve ever been. Pictures will be uploaded soon. so here’s what’s hit me since i’ve been home: 2 summer classes […]
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Tags: home, house, Italy, money, Work
So, one of my life long goals is to build a house that i design. I have a bunch of weird/unique ideas that i’d like to incoporate into the house, so i thought i’d post some of them here when i get them. Welcome the house category. One day, i’ll get some sketches down/scanned and […]
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Tags: house, ideas, money, PHP
Mom reserved a castle (more like a villa) for the Italy trip. http://www.rentalcastles.com/scandeluzza.htm We have the Madonne and Pelligrini suites. They look pretty nice. looks like it will cost me about $500 for the week. Still have to work out when I wan to go to london, but the flight to rome leaves wednesda may […]
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Tags: friends, hill district, house, Keren, mom, pittsburgh, Post-Gazette, St. patrick's day, Work