Contrary to what you may believe, I enjoy privacy. I’d love to have every room in the house completely sound proof. ESPECIALLY the bathrooms. I would like to think I’ll have people over often, and I hate feeling like someone is going to hear me in the bathroom. along with the bathrooms, I’d like to have […]
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Tags: house, love, people
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Here’s a first time truth story for you. when i was 13 or 14, i was big into BMG music service. I would sign up at my dad’s house, refer "Jay Hall" at my mom’s address, and I’d get 5 free CDs on top of the introductory offer. I think it worked out to 12 […]
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Tags: bassist, dad, dallas, friends, home, house, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, mom, music, school, Travis, X-fest
So many new announcements going on in Pittsburgh! We just have to find out how we’re going to pay for it all. The New Granada theatre nears it’s financing goal of $1.1M. It’s a block from my house and it is such a sad thing to see it falling apart. If they can get the rest of that […]
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Tags: Don Barden, house, money, Neil Bluhm, pittsburgh, Rivers Casino, sad
Broken seems to be the theme of the week. Monday – surfing around on my PC and then it just shutsdown. POOF. I have yet to get it back on. I checked the power supply, memory, motherboard, nothing. Tim let me borrow a PC to frankenstein to figure it out. That sucks though. Tuesday – Went […]
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Tags: game, house, Jordan, Work
Kuhn’s has been selected to build a full service grocery store, pharmacy, bakery, cafe in the Hill District. They outed the bid from the Save-A-Lot to just build a cheap grocery store. This place will be about 3 blocks from my house and on my way home from work in a spare lot that you […]
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Tags: hill district, home, house, Work
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. Those are the 3 Rs that I learned when i was a kid, and I’ve been able to do the first and third pretty easily. There’s always been a lack of a recycling program everywhere else though. Since I’ve moved to the city, I’ve lived in 3 places. Lothrop Hall on Pitt […]
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Tags: At Crawford Square, house, Kallie, Lothrop Hall, people, Pitt campus, pittsburgh
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