If you know me well, you know that I like things to have a reason or purpose. I definitely take function over aesthetic, but if you can mix the two in harmony, that’s ideal. To the point though, I would love a studio in the house, but I’d never be able to use it to […]
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Tags: home, house, love, Work
they’re going to blow up the old St. Francis hospital across the street from the Mellon Arena next Saturday. YAY! I don’t know if you’ll be able to hear or feel the explosion from my house, but I’ll definitely get as close as possible to see it happen. That will be a fun thing for […]
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Tags: house, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, St. Francis hospital
I want a big slide somewhere. In the house or outside, or both. Maybe one that goes from the top floor to the basement. I want a spiral staircase too. An elevator somewhere would be nice. not a big one, even just a one person closet type, but an elevator none the less. Secret passage […]
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Tags: house, play
Comments: 1, 3,355 views
the YMCA just announced that they’ll build a new YMCA in the hill district, about…oh you know…1 block from my house. Not only build a brand new one, but add on to their existing one further down centre avenue. Awesome. 3 year plan is in full effect now.
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Tags: hill district, house
Comments: 2, 5,139 views
After my parents split, I got to have a day with my dad by myself. Thursday nights. I normally had a boy scout meeting then we’d go home and watch the simpsons. Sometimes, we’d take a drive out past Malden crossroads and up a hill to the left past a church to a dead end […]
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Tags: basketball, church, dad, home, house, play, serah
29 January, 2008 (10:29) | News |
http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08029/853048-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml That’s the plot of land a block up from my old apartment and across the street from the Hill House and Kaufmann auditorium. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=15219&ie=UTF8&ll=40.442897,-79.98166 So, looks like I’ll be stopping for dinner on my walk home for work. Oops, no eggs for those brownies? Don’t worry, I’ll walk 2 blocks to the grocery store. […]
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Tags: home, house, Work