Whenever I have a job interview and they ask me if I have ever been fired from a job, I can’t help but laugh. I can’t lie, but I can’t really say “yes” without giving the story. The truth is, I’ve been fired from the same job twice. During the summer of 2001, I had […]
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Tags: call tech, calltech, employee, file, fired, helpdesk, hours, HR, human resources, intern, interview, job, late, policy, schedule, school, shifts, tech support, terminated, time, vacation, voicemail
What motivates you at work? Are you never happy unless you get more money? Do you just want to have freedom to set your own workload and deadlines? Or is it the opposite in that the more your accomplish tasks, the more you’re happy to work?
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Tags: corporate whore, happy, HR, job, money, more, motivation, organizational studies, satisfaction, slave, why, Work