LEGO Ideas is a site set up for people around the world to submit their ideas for possible sets. After I created my Cathedral of Learning and Stephen Foster Memorial in the Spring of 2012, I had many people ask me if I was going to submit it as a project for LEGO to review. […]
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Tags: architecture, bill peduto, building, cathedral of learning, cuusoo, Facebook, ideas, LEGO, people, Pitt, pittsburgh, project, support, university of pittsburgh, vote, world
Much like sidewalk in Michael Jackson’s video for Billy Jean, I always wanted some cool walkway that lit up. I saw this show up in a friend’s facebook feed and thought it was awesome. It might be a little much for a driveway, but I could definitely enjoy a nice little walkway around the side […]
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Tags: driveway, efficient, glow, glow-in-the-dark, green, house, ideas, light, pool patio, sidwalk
I want to “rebuild” something in the house. I’m not sure whether it’s just a room that is a replica of another room of a house I lived in, or a famous room from somewhere else, like the Whitehouse. At Winterthur and Nemacolin Woodlands, they have areas where the walls are actual storefronts so the […]
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Tags: copy, duplicate, house, idea, ideas, nemacolin, song, whitehouse, winterthur, woodlands
So Kallie and I need about 1.2 cars. I walk to work and most places we go together. Every once in a while though, we need to go separate ways. I’m envisioning a car that can break in half basically. I think there are people like us that need more than 1 car sometimes. There would also […]
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Tags: car mode, cars, city, drive, efficient, ideas, Kallie, parking, passenger, people, small cars, wheels, Work
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This is another one of those ideas that came to me in a dream. There was a popular guy that ran this coffee shop hang out place, and I went to him all excited about an idea to help his business. He had all this wall space that he liked to hang paintings and photos from […]
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Tags: art, business, ideas, independant, people, pictures, pittsburgh, point state park, post cards, school
I want to invent something. Something that will require a patent. So basically, I just want to have a patent on something. I think they’re pretty cheap. I have a lot of ideas, but I never do anything with them. I should start writing them down more…
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Tags: creative, goals, ideas, invention, legacy, life, patent, purpose