12 September, 2008 (12:14) | Dreams |
I had this dream monday night and I think I have something here…I was on some sort of luxury cruise or on a resort or something like that, and there was a gambling room. There was this large table set up, very much like a roulette table, with a numbered wheel, a tall grid of […]
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Tags: game, ideas, play
What’s something really, really stupid you’ve done that could easily have resulted in your own death? – There was this incident with an M80 one windy night where Travis held it behind his head ready to launch, i put my hands around it to block the wind, and Dallas lit it… What makes you feel […]
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Tags: dallas, food, ideas, Travis
16 July, 2008 (13:29) | Top 10 |
There’s a bunch of lists out there, and I’m sure you’ve heard how geeks are great lovers, but I think I have a few things to add to the list. Geeks are great. 10. Getting to know a geek is easy – just google their name…or sometimes, their alias…or aliases. You can find pictures, blogs, […]
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Tags: Fix, friends, geek, GPS, HDTV, home, ideas, iphone, London, love, money, South Africa, webMD, wireless router
Comments: 2, 2,815 views
Had this idea for a story during the night, when i was partially dreaming, partially awake, which really makes the best setting for cognitive creativity. Your mind has the boundaries of normal thought and imagination removed, but your logic is present enough to keep it all in order. Anyway, I digress. The main character is […]
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Tags: forward, home, ideas
you’d think I’d have something to say…something to rant about…after a week of nothing notable being posted, surely I’d have some storehouse full of interesting thoughts or ideas…surely something would have happened in a week that I could share with you…but I’m at a loss. I’ve been too busy with work and life to have time […]
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Tags: home, ideas, rant, thoughts, Work
I’m going to put it out there because it’s true. I want to write a novel. I have tons of ideas written down on note pads for stories and characters, but never really get beyond that step. I’d love to write something like Palahniuk. If worse comes to worse, I had an idea for a […]
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Tags: Heinz Field, ideas, localeyes.com, localize.com, love, music, pittsburgh, pittsburgh.localeyes.com