What should I do with all these old jackets from my high school sports days? I was not a record setting athlete by any means, but I have jackets from soccer, basketball, and then even some jackets from little league baseball. They’re really nice quality jackets, but they have my name embroidered into the chest […]
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Tags: baseball, basketball, burn, clothes, destroy, donate, fashion, give, high school, identity, information, jackets, personal, soccer, sports
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Build your identity on what you do, not what others do. Mind your own business don’t worry about celebs dating lives or the big movies they’re in. We’re supposed to get excited about Emmy awards? Aren’t their salaries enough of an award? Aren’t the endorsement deals, the free meals, or the fame enough for them? […]
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Tags: award, awards, business, celeb, celebrity, circus, designer, emmy, Entertainment tonight, famous, gossip, identity, movies, outfits, red carpet, rumor, store, street, tmz
It’s my birthday. I’m 29. One more year to work on my 30×5 list. I’m curious though, perhaps drawn by being egocentric or even a low-self esteem, how am I doing in life? Here’s a chance to give me an anonymous pulse check about who I am and maybe even ways to improve. I certainly […]
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Tags: 30x5, birthday, goals, identity, impression, judge, judgment, opinion, personal, personality, poll, view, who am i
You don’t need to be the best. You’re already the best -you- there will every be.
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Tags: achievement, best, confidence, identity, insecure, self esteem
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