I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but these flying robots are getting scary. They’re able to do a lot more than what they used to do when I was a kid. They know where other robots are. They know how to pass balls. They’re small and they’re growing in numbers. Basically, it’s only […]
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Tags: 007, ball, communicate, flight, flying, helicopter, humans, intelligence, james bond, passing, Quadrocopter, quadrotor, robot, robots, technology, tennis
Never completely trust what a computer tells you. The reason is, computers are made by humans. Humans lie, they can be stupid, and they are prone to errors. These 3 points go viral when inputted into a computer and subsequently released onto the internet. Some people say that computers, the internet, and Google are making […]
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Tags: decypher, fool, foolish, Google, human, information, intelligence, internet, IQ, lies, pc, people, proven, skepticism, smart, stupid, truth, validate
Your intelligence in any given moment has a direct correlation with your ability to access the internet. Related: http://xkcd.com/903/
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Tags: access, Google, intelligence, internet, interweb, iphone, IQ, mobile, phone, proof, search, web, wikipedia, xkcd
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