30 September, 2011 (14:59) | Reviews |
So this device was announced back in September of 2010 when Apple announced their Airplay technology. I was stoked for this technology. Kallie wanted a way to play her music in the kitchen, and throughout the house for that matter, and her laptop speakers…well, they’re laptop speakers. I didn’t want to go buy a […]
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Tags: airplay, airtunes, app, apple, battery, home, home theatre, ios, ip37, ipad, iphone, ipod, itunes, iw1, Kallie, mac, music, network, pc, portable, rechargeable, remote, review, security, sound, speaker, stereo, technology, toy, wep, wifi, wireless, wpa2
31 August, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
Steve Jobs is an interesting fellow who has had quite the interesting life. We’re probably reaching a point where some generations don’t know that he was actually fired from Apple back in the 80’s. He went on to form Pixar, then sold it to Disney to become the largest single shareholder of Disney stock shares. […]
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Tags: 80's, adopted, apple, breakout, charity, disney, Faith, ipad, iphone, isner, jobs, mac, macintosh, muslim, next, people, pixar, shares, steve jobs, stock, wozniak
28 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
There’s no delete key. There’s a backspace, to remove characters from right to left, but there’s no way to delete characters from left to right. Prices are ridiculous. Especially after they switched to Intel based hardware, prices should have dropped significantly. Their CD/DVD drives sound like death. All of them. WHY?!?!?! RRRRBBBBBRRRRZZZZRAREARE. Every time you […]
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Tags: apple, consumerism, free, gesture, hardware, imac, ipad, ipod, itunes, jobs, mac, macintosh, music, open source, price, product
You may have noticed the new page – Words With Josh I play words with friends (a scrabble rip-off basically) with a few people on my iphone, and I wanted to wrap some intelligence around finding the optimal word based off what letters were already played. Now, I do not condone the act of cheating […]
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Tags: aid, anagram, cheat, code, game, hangman, ipad, iphone, josh, letter, letters, mobile, mysql, PHP, puzzle, reference, scrabble, solution, solve, solver, tool, wheel of fortune, word, words, words with friends, words with josh
Don’t waste your time in lines for new places or new experiences or new products. Novelty wears off and your time is valuable. A Nathan’s hotdog for 5 cents, for example, is a great deal, but waiting hours for it is stupid.
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Tags: apple, crap you don't need, first, ipad, iphone, lines, movies, release, roller coasters
12 February, 2011 (12:00) | FYI/DIY |
after a botched update to some apps, Cydia would not longer launch completely. Cydia would crash when I tried to open it, even after rebooting. First, I got DiskAid from : http://www.digidna.net/products/diskaid Second, connect the iphone to your computer and using DiskAid, remove the numbered and tmp files from /var/lib/dpkg/updates/ – (This may be enough […]
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Tags: apple, apps, crash, cydia, deb, diskaid, extractor, hack, install, ipad, iphone, itouch, itunes, jailbreak, manual, manul, openssh, ssh, wifi
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