Our Church, The Open Door, hosts a stations of the cross art exhibit every year, and this year I volunteered to create a piece out of LEGO bricks. I definitely hesitated until the last minute to speak up, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a couple years now, just never had the courage […]
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Tags: 3, art, bionicle, bricks, church, cock, crow, deny, easter, Faith, gallery, Jesus, LEGO, morning, peter, rooster, stations of the cross, technic, three, toy story
The wise man built his house upon the plastic brick, apparently. It claims to be the world’s largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible. Tons of LEGO inspired recreations of Bible stories. http://www.thebricktestament.com/
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Tags: art, bible, block, God, Jesus, LEGO, model, moses, recreation, Religion, scene, testament
In our Bible study, we’re going through Hebrews, which has its ups and downs for sure (controversy around Melchizedek, God swearing against Himself in 6:13 when it’s against the 3rd commandment, or not to swear at all in Matthew 3:34, the differences between a promise and an oath, etc), but an interesting clarification occurred to […]
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Tags: bible, christ, Faith, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, people, thoughts
Some text is clearly written. We consider this normal and expected. If I wRiTe In AlTeRnAtInG-cApS oN a ReSuMe, It WiLl MoSt LiKeLy Be ReJeCtEd. Some text we italicize to whisper quietly, but words never make a sound. Underlining words makes sure what we’ve written is found. When Jesus spoke, he apparently spoke in red. […]
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Tags: easter, family, happy, Jesus, love, people, sad
So, I’m pulling out of Giant Eagle Market District in Shady Side, making a left onto Centre Avenue. A black prius is turning into the lot, and stops to let me get out onto the road first. A guy is loading groceries into his car across the street and there is an asian woman standing […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, christ, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Queen
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"No jesus, no hope. Know jesus, know hope." – KiwiEnvy
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Tags: Jesus, people