When picking friends, try to find friends who can do things you can’t. and things you can do they can’t. lawyers, car repair, home repair, etc are all skills that are great to have accessible. Sure, sometimes it’s nice to have friends that have things in common with you, but if you can find friends […]
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Tags: community, favor, friends, group, help, job, neighbor, profession
My brother in law decided to make me sad about my cubicle farm job and show me what LEGO Headquarters looks like. It’s beautiful. I can just imagine how energetic everyone feels and how much they love their work place. http://www.dezeen.com/2012/01/31/lego-pmd-by-rosan-bosch-and-rune-fjord/
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Tags: architect, creative, denmark, dream, employees, fun, head quarters, headquarters, hq, inspiration, inspirational, inspire, job, LEGO, office, play, slide, Work
Whenever I have a job interview and they ask me if I have ever been fired from a job, I can’t help but laugh. I can’t lie, but I can’t really say “yes” without giving the story. The truth is, I’ve been fired from the same job twice. During the summer of 2001, I had […]
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Tags: call tech, calltech, employee, file, fired, helpdesk, hours, HR, human resources, intern, interview, job, late, policy, schedule, school, shifts, tech support, terminated, time, vacation, voicemail
Modeling isn’t a career. Neither is DJ’ing. I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category. By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.” There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.” Ultimately, […]
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Tags: band, career, DJ, dream, job, mature, model, musician, normal, party, play, responsibility, society, success, waiter, waitress, Work
If your problems are found to be geographic, leave. I’ll probably take some judgment here. I’ve always struggled with hungry people in 3rd world countries. Why are we taking the food and supplies directly to them? If school buildings, water wells, or something else enables the people to start caring for themselves, then great, but […]
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Tags: 3rd world, abandon, detroit, employment, flee, food, freedom, geography, get out of dodge, home, hunger, job, jobs, leave, liberty, michigan, nomad, poverty, problem, refuge, relocate, stubborn, travel, unemployment, vagabond, Work, world
I wonder what the corporate smoking policy is at cigarette manufacturers. Do they have no breaks because people can smoke as much as they want to anywhere in the office? Does everyone get free cigarettes? There’s got to be a hard balance from encouraging loyalty to your product to also maintaining productivity to investing in […]
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Tags: break, camel, cigarette, cigarettes, health, job, marlboro, policy, productivity, smoke, smokers, smoking, Work