The bracelet labeled “Corporate Whore”, I’ve worn since I got my foot in the door, They bent me over the desk, and I begged to work more, So that I can pay for things I can’t afford. The watch that ticks the time, Reminds me of times I watched slip by, Every opportunity missed, […]
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Tags: bracelet, chains, choices, corporate whore, girl, hair, job, love, money, slave, system, time, watch, women, Work
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What motivates you at work? Are you never happy unless you get more money? Do you just want to have freedom to set your own workload and deadlines? Or is it the opposite in that the more your accomplish tasks, the more you’re happy to work?
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Tags: corporate whore, happy, HR, job, money, more, motivation, organizational studies, satisfaction, slave, why, Work
The only time you talk about your old job is at a job interview. Once you’re in, they don’t care anymore. Don’t be that guy that dishes out diatribes on how he used to do this, or how things were when no one really gives a crap.
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Tags: employee, fired, grandpa, job, lame, story, talking, weak, when i was your age, Work