just letting you all know i am still kicking. working from 4am – noon is a little rough. It’s london’s 9-5 though, so i just have to think of it as i am a european trapped in an american’s time zone. i end up sleeping from about 1pm-6 or 7 each night. so getting 5-6 […]
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Tags: Chris, family, Keren, mom, player, school, sleep, Work
so, Thursday was a great day, got the call back from mellon, played some frisbee, and saw fahrenheit 911. 1 bad thing happenned though; I forgot that it was J’aime’s birthday. Deirdre and my mom had reminded me throughout the week, and i had even talked to her tuesday. I just got caught up in […]
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Tags: birthday, Deirdre, friends, game, house, IBM, Keren, love, mom, money, philly, play, serah, sleep, Work
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I went home for keren’s graduation and brought deirdre back up with me on thursday. took her to ultimate frisbee with the cornerstone crew, then off to the midnight openning of harry potter with her. she hung out my place all day friday while i was at work, and then we just hung out friday […]
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Tags: church, Deirdre, Harry, home, Keren, Work
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What a weekend! loaded full of activity. I even ended up taking a nap! i hate naps! The day started with J’aime and Dan picking me up and we went to see Van Helsing. Not terrible. It was over 2 hours long, I think they should have split it into 2 movies. Overall, it wasn’t […]
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Tags: Adam, church, Deirdre, food, home, house, Keren, may day, mom, money, National Basketball Association, people, sleep, Van Helsing, waitress, Work
well, saturday didnt work out as i had hoped. I had asked someone to go, and they ended up not getting my email until today. :- and saturday night, i asked someone else to go, and he said he would drive, so 8 rolls around, and he was supposed to pick me up then, and […]
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Tags: cent, digital camera, friends, funny, Keren, serah, Work
so i went home to eat with the family today. good times, J’aime was in, chris’ dad, Rabe was in, keren and deirdre had softball, but they came later. I havent been home for a while, and it was good to see everyone again. Keren had 2 of my shirts, that i completely forgot about, […]
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Tags: Apparently Bush, car til thursday, Chris, CNN, courtney love, dad, David Letterman, Deirdre, family, guitar, home, Keren, Kurt Cobain, Kurt Cobain's death anniversary, love, Rabe, real media, Work
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