alright, i have a chance to fill you in on everything since the last update. It’s been a busy few weeks. so finals for classes sucked, but i got through them with an 88% and an 84%. kinda sucky about the 88%, because I thought for sure I was going to get an A in […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, code, Coors, Curtis, Deirdre, denver, Fish Creek Falls, funny, home, Jordan, Josh Hall, Kim, Minneapolis, nurse, people, pharmacist, professor, same professor, school, sleep, song, TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL, the oscars, United Kingdom, Work, wtf
alright, i was going to just avoid writing about the whole thing, but i may as well not hide it. I was also going to try and twist it like i was away for the whole weekend, but the fact remains that i wasn’t. bob and i left my apartment at 2 am friday. i […]
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Tags: friends, home, house, Kathy, Kim, Kip, mom, Paul, school, Work
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