I’m not looking to be famous, but I want a story to tell. Not even a story for me to tell, but for my great grandchildren or something. I’d love to be an extra in a movie or have my name in the liner notes of a popular CD. Just something very subtle, but when […]
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Tags: background, cd, grand children, history, legacy, movie, name, notice, Thank you
29 June, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10 |
10. I learned a lot about php, mysql, SEO, html, java, web design, social networking, webtraffic, and a lot of other geeky stuff that’s come in handy in my job and in my personal life. Sometimes, just doing things is the best learning tool. 9. When my dad passed, a college friend of his emailed […]
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Tags: blog, blogger, conversations, diary, documentation, family, friends, good things, happy, history, journal, legacy, LEGO, log, me, people, ravennuke, wordpress
You’re only legit when you have your own wikipedia entry.
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Tags: class, established, fame, famous, importance, legacy, legend, legit, order, proof, recognition, rule, social, wikipedia
This goal is certainly not very likely to happen, but the idea of it really appeals to me. If I was ever capable of making a large donation to a university or institution, I’d love them to name the building “Josh Hall”.
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Tags: building, buildings, donation, egocentric, legacy, love, money, names, philanthropy
I don’t want it to be sad. I’d hope that friends and family that know me well would throw up gang signs in jest at my funeral. Maybe even going as far as pouring out some champagne on the floor. If I died in an accident, I’d hope that someone would do an impression of me […]
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Tags: bodies, death, die, family, friends, funeral, legacy, love, memorial, memory, people, sad
I want to invent something. Something that will require a patent. So basically, I just want to have a patent on something. I think they’re pretty cheap. I have a lot of ideas, but I never do anything with them. I should start writing them down more…
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Tags: creative, goals, ideas, invention, legacy, life, patent, purpose
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