April fool’s came and went yesterday. I didn’t do a single joke or prank. eh, next year. Rachel and I went to DC to hang out with Serah and Mike. Had a great time. We saw Mount Vernon saturday, then spent some time at the Mall for the cherry blossom festival, then just chilled out […]
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Tags: home, Italy, London, Mike, mom, money, Mount Vernon, rubber, serah, Work, www.post-gazette.com/pg/07091/773880-85.stm
off the boot and back to 90% normal. Still can feel the ankle being a little weak, but i like to push it. Probably try and run a little later in the week. Not working out for the past 2 months is not good! Ticket bought for italy with the family. I’m flying over wed […]
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Tags: blah, chicago, Deirdre, family, friends, home, Italy, London, Mame, mom, money, Morgantown, paris, philly, school
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14 March, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
good night for cool dreams last night. I dreamt that I was living in new york, and it’s like 2010. I was going to london for a vacation, and my flight left late at night, and i got out of work early, like noon. So instead of going home and waiting around for my flight, […]
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Tags: dreams, friends, home, London, new york, people, philadelphia, travel, United Kingdom, Work
ugh, kinda in a bad mood. I officially hate my public speaking class. It’s way too intense and the guidlines are to strict. My incompetence doesn’t help much with that either. I’ve got poison ivy from working at the estate this weekend too. kinda draining. We did make good progress on the yard though, mike […]
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Tags: Alicia Silverstone, Canada, east coast, house, London, mandy moore, Mike, Work
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bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we […]
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Tags: AOL, code, game, geek, happy, head, josh, London, love, msn, nuke, phpnuke, slam man, stupid site, Work