Alright, this memory is going to be a little graphic, but i have to live with it, so I’m going to share it. With an opening sentence like that, how could you not read more? So while I was at pitt, I lived in Lothrop Hall. Lothrop Hall had disgusting bathrooms and the stalls did […]
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Tags: bathroom, cathedral of learning, door, jerk off, lothrop, Lothrop Hall, Pitt, privacy, scary, stall, wtf
I was staying in a hotel with Kallie’s family, and I went over to the other room where everyone was. As soon as I walked through the door, Wally prompted me to answer this question. I paused, half defeated. I thought I was in an unfair position due to my freshman dorm experience at Pitt. […]
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Tags: behaviorism, disrepectful, dorms, family, freud, germs, gross, Kallie, lothrop, Lothrop Hall, pavlov, pee, Pitt, sink, sleep, university of pittsburgh, urination, wally
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Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. Those are the 3 Rs that I learned when i was a kid, and I’ve been able to do the first and third pretty easily. There’s always been a lack of a recycling program everywhere else though. Since I’ve moved to the city, I’ve lived in 3 places. Lothrop Hall on Pitt […]
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Tags: At Crawford Square, house, Kallie, Lothrop Hall, people, Pitt campus, pittsburgh
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