The first was guided by her mind Took life by the horns until she’d find A man that could juggle it all Then she started to fall. The other, quiet and bright, Grew strong and kept her sight On the end of the line Crusading for one she’d call “mine” One again, traveled far and […]
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Tags: daddy, dream, love, song
It’s been less than 24 hours since I dropped hnn-hnn (Jan-Jan) and Bumpa off at the airport. Survival mode is already engaged. The Mirkwood fog must have been pouring through the vents as we slept. What day is it? What’s that noise? What’s that smell? I sold my soul to the sirens of Sesame Street […]
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Tags: bumpa, family, help, hnn hnn, inlaws, kids, love, sick, sleep, wife
I love to look at her. She has no idea I love her. She’s just thinking about that blue duplo brick in her hand. That’s my daughter playing over there. She’s very curious. I’m entertained at her furrowed brow. Then, she locks eyes with me and smiles. What a bug.
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Tags: daughter, duplo, juliette, love, play, the bug
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix
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Tags: hendrix, jimi, jimi hendrix, love, peace, power, quote, world
Do you believe in love? I’m sure people’s definitions vary widely, just like their capacity to love.
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Tags: happiness, life, love, the darkness
If you’re lying in a relationship, you either don’t care enough about the relationship, or you’re living in fear of the other person.
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Tags: fear, lie, lies, love, lying, people, relationship, respect